Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Guelph's Nuit Blanche and Jazz Festival

From September 7-11 Guelph's downtown came alive with people, music and great artwork. The buses were jammed packed and the taxi companies were busy. Here is just a few artworks I was able to photograph along my 1:00-3:00am journey through the downtown area.

The Spooky Window Display

Two headed and Tailed Cat

A Jesus figure was standing over these strange looking creatures with no hands.
A little note below him reads "...and He never waved goodbye..."

Extended Practices Piece

Here there were two people sitting very close staring into each others eyes.
Two camera's captured a close up of each individual's face and projected them on two individual screens located on either side of this photo. This way the viewers outside could see their every facial movement.
When the time was up, one person would leave and a volunteer from the street would go in and take their place. This piece was very interactive with the public.

The Butterfly Cocoon

High up under the pedestrian bridge in Guelph's downtown area a single light bulb lite up this eerie and quite marvelous art work. It was a cocoon big enough to fit a person surrounded by dozens of butterflies.

The butterflies cascaded down to the viewer's level and were lite up by the lights in the street.

For more information about Guelph's seasonal Jazz Festival and Nuit Blanche feel free to check out the link below!

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